You guys, my hair is black. BLACK!! Is this not slightly...odd? Yes, although the colour is absolutely lovely. It WILL eventually fade to blue and then grey,so that's, um, good? It's just a little questionable whether it's, uh, acceptable on ME. Oh well, my family will just freak out when they see me on Christmas Day and they'll all say, it looks beautiful Stef! And they'll probably really be thinking 'has she gone mad'? Goth perhaps? I mean, wot's so 'mad' about goth. If I could pull it off I probably would. But I couldn't pull it off, so it will have to be sufficient for me to dye my hair odd colours on various occasions and bore my friends by making them help and watch. Yeh, well, I still need those responses about the fabric softener.
Well, have a perfectly joyous day y'all! :D

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