Well, today was a sufficently homwework free day. And I watched 'Tears of the Sun', I was dissapointed, it was not as sad as I was expecting. I mean, it was really sad if you THINK about it, but I tend to not think about movies too deeply when I watch them by myslef cuz I always end up daydreaming through half of the movie or going to help dad cart dryers (the tumble kind) up and down stairs and to the backyard, etc. And since I'm soooooo practical I always think of slightly better way to do things which makes people change their original idea making it take even longer. Not like I'm complaining (for once). Wow, two sentences ago I sounded really arrogant, sorry 'bout that. And that sounded even worse. Grrr, why do I try to appease people all the time? It's futile.
Well, congrats goes out to Lo who finally guessed the last song which was 'Warning Sign' by Coldplay. My current favourite song since two days ago. So now I suppose I must put up MORE lyrics, have a go at this really easy one. "....I can't hide..."
K, you know what else? I have ONE flyer for Sunday! This is great, it means no extra organizational work so those skills can be used full force on planning sledging adventures. OH NO!!!!! I finally succumbed (this word deserves to be spelled wrong) to the warpage, I deserve to wither away in my closet now. Ok fine, its a good warpage as discussed, but still, I can't let it happen too often or someone will ROAST me! Yeh, so I'm gonna go finish of my urn now so this will never happen again. Goodbye and have a lovely ol' time of day that is presently looming before you. And feel free to join me in my urn induced escapades. :D

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