Well, it appears that no one really cares if I put up pictures of them in my picture album, so SPEAK NOW or forever hold your peace because once the pics are up, they're up and there's no stopping me once that happens.
I have just discovered a problem with my pocket watch. It does not display the date (it being all non-digital and stuff) so I must once again retain the information of what day it is in my head. This could prove quite dastardly. Oh well, it'll be good to remember something for once.
I find the fact that Rogers is the only place NOT sold-out of Pirates of the Caribbean extremely disturbing considering the fact that it's $34.99 there when it's advertised as $27.99. I shall have to go and complain. You know, people who complain always disturb me greatly cuz they seem so annoying and inconsiderate. But alas, for this noble cause I shall have to degrade myself to their level. It's a fact that we all must face, we must stand up for our rights here people! Do they have the right to rob us of $7.00? I think not, that is $7.00 that could be used to buy 7 small fries at school, or 4 and a bit puffed-wheat squares/cookies by McSweenies. Or, on a more serious note, that's enough to buy a child at least a week of good meals. Or even almost enough to buy THE next BOOK in which SHE goes to Scotland for hols. Is it acceptable to lose out on these things merely because of a greedy little miser named Roger???! I THINK NOT! Rise with me my fiends and never lose hope! I SHALL have justice whether you are for me or against me and it will never be forgotten. The names of those who aid in the effort shall go down in history as the people that stood up for their rights and revolutionised ROGER!!!!!!!!!!!! *shakes fist in a passionate fury* DO NOT LET ME DOWN BECAUSE IF YOU DO YOU CAN BE SURE THAT I WILL RISE AGAIN AND HAVE MY REVENGE!! Vengeance will be mine my fiends, vengeance will be MINE and you should hope to be on my winning side of this revolution.
Well, have a wonderful day everyone! At this time next year I will not be in England most likely. I will most likely be right here feeling lonely because you'll all have forgotten about me in my absence of 3 months and I will wail in sorrow and when I go back to England I shall never leave again because all that was worth coming back here for will be gone! *ahem* That is what I say, but have a WONDERFUL DAY all!!!! :D

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