Well, I must first and foremost wish Alison a happy happy happy 17th birthday! So, without further ado...HAPPY BIRTHDAY ALISON! :D :D
Next I shall say today was most joyous, them Swedish folks don't know what they created when they made Ikea tableclothes. I'm sure they could market them as sleds...much practicality in sleds. ;)
Annnnnnnd, now I shall go finish my other two Social worksheets...cuz I have a test tommorrow and I should probably study. Heh, I hate tests. But I shall keep a positive attitude and throw my pessimism out the window for the moment. :) And guys, next time we plan to have a fire...we need to actually HAVE a fire. Capish? Capish. (I'm gonna start saying that now cuz it brings me joy...even though my spelling may be chotely off.) Sooooo, g'night y'all. (((hugs)))-hugs of joy today. :D

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