Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeell, I went to see "The Last Samurai" and despite the fact that everyone says it's only hyped cuz it's got Tom Cruise in it, I must say it's an awesomely awesome movie and it has some major enjoyment factor to it. I think it might have slightly decreased the urn effects. I'm starting to see what Da sees in her *ahem* older men. *blushing furiously* Just the rugged, heroic, compassionate-ness (sometimes the stoned look works for me too sjghjsghjohnnydeppalghsghl ;))...gets me every time. Well, unless it's Mel Gibson or Russell Crowe. Or one of those other wrinkly guys that may have quite lovely eyes (that would be Mr. Gibson, Mr. Crowe is slightly wanting in the area of eye beauty. Have you seen Braveheart? Take a look at his [Gibson's] eyes and you will see) but are otherwise just not...um, how shall I put this...pretty? But remember, just cuz I say someone may be on the more good looking side doesn't mean I like them. For example, I could say of some woman that she's the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. Does that mean I'm a lesbian and fallen in love with her? No, it simply means I'm appreciating beauty. Understand? Good. Cuz we wouldn't want any misunderstanding in that area. All things considering...what kind of mother would I be if I fell head over heels in love with every nice looking person I saw? Why am I talking about this? Good question, I'm thinking maybe the urn hasn't been so affected after all. So, you should all go see "The Last Samurai" regardless of other people that may be force feeding you only negativity about it.
Lo, I picked up the tix for ROTK, the only showing left that wasn't sold out was 8:00pm, so apparently that's when we're going. And apparently that means Da isn't coming cuz that's right in the middle of hip-hop. I'm thinking we should go in line at approximately...5:00pm. Sound good? Lemme know. Oh, and I saw your brother. There were these guys behind me making fun of him and despite the fact that yur bro can be an evil fiend at times, I really felt like giving them the old 'one-two' so they could get a little maturity knocked into their systems. Honestly, what the he** is their frickin' problem? And people do that all the time, I mean, every time I hear it I'm like, 'Get a life, do us all a favour and lock yourself away in a deep, deep hole for a while so we can have a rest from your crap." Urgh, they make me made. It's too bad some people don't even have enough maturity to have a little restraint when dealing with the rest of the world, they kindof remind me of 6th graders who think they're so cool cuz they're at the top of the elementary school ladder. Actually, I think it's worse in them dumb old junior highs (I KNOW, I was one of them at one time, but I wasn't one of the too moronic ones), they just go around making as many people's lives miserable as they can and while they're at it build themselves up a nice and lousy (oxymoron!) reputation. OK, that was my rant for the day...but really, it makes me EXTREMELY mad! :(
Soooooo, I'm gonna probly go to bed now, see yas all in the future. I did not freeze to death while delivering my flyers as some of you may have wished, I practically burned up tho. I was practically jogging, it took me 20 minutes and I was wearing two coats, earmuffs and gloves plus my full rucksack ( ;) ), so I coulda probably come very close to 'spontaneously' combusting at that point in time. Well, goodbye my fiends, um, I mean friends and do have a joyous weekend. Cuz we all know what's on Monday-can you guess?? :D

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