Those of you who have not yet seen Return of the King are deprived! DEPRIVED!!!!!!!!! GO SEE IT! It's awesomest ever! And I'm sad now cuz it's over but at the same time joyous! How can this be????????????? :: sniff :: That's it, I'm going to see it again...several times. Not like we didn't already know that.
*Ahem* Those of you who were present at the sledding and burning event of yesterday and previous Sunday have some insanely gooooooohgeous pictures to look at tomorrow. Seriously, you do NOT want to miss these. Although, of course, by the time you read this it may no longer be tomorrow but today and you will already have seen them. Wait a second, it's already today. Soooooo, what I really meant by that all along is that you have some pictures to look at today etc. And there is no point in trying to rip, steal or otherwise inhibit previously mentioned pictures because I happen to have the negatives. I store them away like Ariel in The Little Mermaid stores away her forks and other human treasures. (I only parallel myself to her because there seemed to be an abundance of talk about The Little Mermaid today and it is now officially stuck in my head.) So, I'm going to scurry off to finish my world lit now and I sincerely hope we watch a movie in Social tomorrow cuz I'm gonna fall asleep and at least that way I don't fall asleep while Mr. Ross is talking and make him feel useless and boring. Cuz he's really interesting and funny and etc. So, if I fall asleep it is entirely Peter Jackson's fault for making such awesome movies that are mandatorily viewed by me on opening night. Which means I was standing/walking for approximately 4 and a half hours yesterday without a break. Good times nonetheless. Good-day my fine feathered friends! And despite the fact that you may be thinking I am on urn as you think you don't have feathers, I would suggest looking deeper into yourself and discovering your inner bird. Yeh, I need sleep and perhaps some more urn. Good night!!!!! (((hugs)))

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