Sooooo, I think I have nothing to say today. So you will just have to find something else to do right now than read my fascinating blog. ;) Yes yes, I know how disappointed you all are now, but really, I have nothing to say. Ooooooooh, except maybe I can do a new lyric thinger. Let's see: "....called out your name, you don't hear a sound..." Well, I dunno if you'll know this song, I will no longer state whether you should know it or not..cuz really, what makes it so you 'should' know it? Well, anyway, guess away if you think you know it. :D
Oh, and today I had a rekindling of my love for the Russian Revolution so I really wanna watch the cartoon 'Anastasia' movie which is historically incorrect but I love it anyway. Sooooo, I shall go in search of the music now cuz I don't have the movie and the music will have to suffice. I did record it those two times I watched it, but I listened to the first tape so much that it died (it also had Tarzan and Mulan music on it). So then I rented them all again and re-recorded the music, but the newest recording seems to have disappeared along with all our beautiful Christmas tapes. Alas, I am distraught. Oh well, I shall survive somehow! Well, that is unless some disaster comes upon me and I die. Which I really hope doesn't happen until at least March 26th of next year (next being next next; 2005) cuz I must first go to England and Scotland, then my life will be sufficiently lived. Although I think it would be nice to be a little older before I die, but will I really care after I die how old I was when I died? I think not. NEWAY, I will go now that my 'not having anything to say' has turned into actually having something of purely epic proportions to say and prevent any further confusion on yours, or my, part. Thank you and GOODNIGHT! Well, good day. Yeh, I still say fire needs to happen soon or...or I don't know what, but I desire BURNING. Of things like 'Guy' who should have been burned a month and 3 days ago. Honestly, we are so unreliable, I've really been looking foreword to this burning thing and soon I will run out of patience and have to take a lighter to his cardboard hat and burn him myself! And that would be sooo very sad, despite the fact that I could take pictures, finish off my roll of film, get the pics developed and have some insanely gorgeous pictures of people sledding. Yeh, well, I was gonna leave a long time ago, so now I really must FLY!!! ;) Farewell. :D

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