It's beginning to look a lot like Christmasisover, everywhere you go. (Sing to the tune of 'It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas-is that even what it's called?)
Sooooooo, did everyone have a fantabulously splendiferous Christmas? Hmmm, I wonder why it is that I almost said Halloween there.
K, everybody in my family loves my hair and one aunt in particular just loves it to death. She keeps calling me Mulan too, good times. Oh, she also told me that one time when she went to visit her sister in England she felt like dying her hair so she dyed it blue-black. Except at that time (approximately 22 years ago I think she said) only hookers had blue or black or blue-black hair, so she got it all shaved off. Hahahaha, I'm not going to do that. Oh, and two of my uncles (one of which is not really an uncle, but he's been around so long that we call him one) were asking me how many boyfriends I had cuz they seemed to think that I was absolutely gorgeous and stylin' yesterday. So, one of them was like, 'she must have 30 or 40 lined up' so I said, 'yeh, about that many'. And then later on, the same one was like, 'how come you didn't bring your boyfriend', so I informed him that it would be highly difficult to choose which strapping young man to bring seeing as there are 30 (which he later made into 30 OR 40) so to be fair I just didn't bring any! And then two OTHER uncles (one different than before and the other the same one that didn't talk before, except this actually happened chronologically before the other event) were commenting on my black hair so I told them it was blue. And then Uncle Dan said he didn't have to dye his hair cuz he's been blue his whole life (his parents are Japanese so he has blue-black hair). And THEN, get this, they saw my socks and all my beautiful clothing and Uncle Dan called me a CONVERSATION PIECE!!!! Isn't that highly ironic since Bev decided I was just that for their kitchen the other day when talking about my hair??????? Hahahaha, I found that greatly amusing and could hardly contain my laughter at the time.
Oh, and I now have the choice of smelling like rain (mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm), Freesia (is that a flower?), my blue Zeller's stuff (forget the flavour, yes, flavour) or Rimmel (London Glam-it's pink :S-but it smells goooooood!) so whatever shall I do? Oh, and I'll always smell like Aussie conditioner. IT. SMELLS. SO. GOOD..!
Yesterday I watched Unbreakable and Minority Report. They were excellent stuff my friend. Now I just need to watch 13 Days and K-19 and I shall be done watching the movies that Jon so kindly forgot here until today. So, if anyone wants to watch those feel free to swing on by and join me! Free popcorn for all.
Oh, I had the weirdest dream yesterday. I went to a kids night or something at my old elementary school with Da and Lo and I was dressed all in black except for the top of my shirt which had a sort of line of bright red. So we were playing soccer and stuff. And then all of a sudden I was swimming at West Ed.with my cousin and they had this new lock system for the lockers that was totally screwed up. So we went swimming except the pool was totally not the Waterpark, it was my dream Waterpark which has consisted of pirate ships and docks-full of water and waterfalls- for approximately 10 years now. And this is one of those weird dreams where you turn into the opposite gender that you are (this isn't just me right? I KNOW this happens to at least one other person)? It usually happens in my dreams of war, and for running away ones I am me. So most of the time I am me cuz most of the time I am running away. From Nazis and such, they try to shoot us so we hide in fields and run really really fast. Anyway, it is unusual that I turned into a guy for this one cuz usually that's only for war dreams. Such as that one where I was in a city and it was being bombed and it was Christmas (this one's from like 3 years ago). Yeh, so, that's all I remember from this dream except the huge cafuffle when we tried to open our lockers again. I think everyone was in both dreams, but yeh, that was the excitement of sleeping. Have a good day y'all! If you even read this far. :D

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