I AM DONE MY PRESENTATION!!!!!!!! It may have been horrible, boring and sleep inducing but I don't care anymore, it's OVER!!!! FOREVER!!!!!!!! Now I just have to write my entire World Lit. paper and it'll all be good. Yeehaw!
K, I watched "The Ballad of Little Joe" and there was a preview for this new VeggieTales video coming out. Remember that "Modern Major General" song that Mr. Ross gave us last year? It is ON the VeggieTales movie, sung by Archibald Asparagus. Gooooooood stuff my friends. And the new VeggieTales Christmas movie takes place in London methinka, some more goooood stuff. It ain't Edinburgh but it's CLOSE ENOUGH!
I need some new lyrics for all y'all now, but I can't think of any at the moment so maybe later. :D

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