Helloooooooooo my friends! I'm so very proud of myself, I actually did some Chem. homework! This is seriously a major breakthrough, I mean, I may actually do GOOD on this quiz! Well, I'm hopin' so anyway. One and a half more questions and I'll have completed last days homework. Then I just need to do all the days' homework before that and I'll be all caught up. :D
Guess what? 16 FLYERS FOR TOMORROW! :S And I have to deliver to ALL 122 houses! :S Ahhh yes, that should take a while. I think I'll save the extras for Sunday. Yes, I like that idea. That means I can be a little more lazy tomorrow and have more time to tear the house apart while I try to find a present for the partay which I found out I was actually going to yesterday. Pffff, Da, what exactly are we doing at said party? And when are we going to have a Christmas-slash-burning party? That needs to be done my friends-BEFORE Christmas preferably. Just this morning I had to fix Guy's hat because he's been sitting outside in the cold for so long and has no energy to fix it himself (it was half-way down his head).
Weeeeeell, keep guessing the song of yesterday and I already have a new lyric in my head, so head at it! :D Have a LOVELY day!!!! :D

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