Gj Lu for the FABULOUS guessing of the song. And now I am required to think up some more lyrics, so here we go "....is there something I can say to bring your smile back my way?"
So, my grad proofs are quite amusing. A select few are not horrible and in one of them I look a whole lot like mom when she was 18. Which is good, it shows there is hope for me yet. Well, besides the fact that mom was a stick and I'm most certainly not. But face-wise we look a lot alike, so that's good. :D
Annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd, exactly one week until I shall be standing eagerly in line for Return of the King. That's definately an upside to things.
Da and Lo, I'd really like to know what you were whispering about me at lunch.
Have a good day all! :D

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