Am I bossy? In grade 7 I heard these two girls who were sitting behind me 'rating' everyone in the class and of course me being the idiot that I am, I decided to listen. Soo, when it came to me one of them said 'she's nice but kindof bossy'. So, it has stuck in my brain ever since and I want to know if I am. Cuz sometimes I say things that aren't meant to be bossy but it's just what comes out and then I think about it and I think it sounded kindof bossy and then I freak out cuz I'm afriad whoever I was talking to will think I'm bossy and that would make me cry. And I'm afraid everyone will despise me cuz of my bossiness. Soooo, if I say something that sounds bossy, sorry, I really don't mean just pops out. :S
Annnnnd, on a happier note I must say 'JOY' because no school for like 2 weeks! Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!
Ok, so the last song was 'Taking My Life Away' by Default, gj all. And the new song: "....and the truth is, I miss you so..."
Have a lovely ol' day y'all! :D

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