You guys, I ran the blue hair idea past mom...she really doesn't agree with it. And if she doesn't agree with it then you can bet that dad isn't gonna either. So alas, it looks like red is gonna be what's happening next for my hair (next being next time I have money to spare which could be a LONG time considering that I am still in debt-almost out of it-from my cd player, and need money to buy everyone christmas presents and need money to buy my LOTR ticket for December 17th). So yeah, that's pretty much the plan for the hair so now the poll is leaving, thank you all for your precious votes. :D You guys'll have to come help me pick a colour one of those days in the extremely distant future when I have money again. (I really have tons of money, but it's staying unscathed in my bank account entitled 'ENGLAND'-it really is titled that, it says so on my bank statement, isn't that totally oorsome? ;) I need that precious money for the 2-evil-roundtrip tix that I gotta buy.)

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