K, I just totally screwed with the HTML codes on the page, so please gimme some feedback if it's a total eyesore now. Thanks. :) I'm so proud of myself, I figured out how to modify the code (not like it's that hard as all you computer genius' probably discovered ages ago), and it totally did what I told it to do. Yay! A small bit of joy in my rainless day. If you look at Da's blog you will find out how much I changed mine, cuz it used to look exactly like hers (except the words were slightly different). I loved my beautiful blog of before, but now it's my very own! Yay! I dunno why I added a hit counter to my site, it's kindof pointless considering the minimal amount of people that will ever visit my blog, but whatever, it's a fire-breathing dragon. ( I had a dragon before but I recieved complaints because it was the Dragon Ball Z dragon - I did not know that, it's not my fault!)

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