K, do you KNOW how incredibly bored I was in Chem today? I mean, I'm grateful that it's so easy that I pretty much never have to pay attention (we learned most of this stuff in grade 9, and the stuff we didn't learn is still so easy!), but today it just dragged (is that a word? it sounds very wrong) on by at the pace of a dead log-I know that logs in all their glory are never really alive (because when they're trees they're not called logs), but that's not the point I'm trying to make here. Although, judging by my excessive use of 'brackets' (they're actually parentheses if my memory serves me correctly) my point should be that it is essential to life that you use as many parentheses as possible in one paragraph that should really be a whole bunch of paragraphs because I changed the topic of it so many times. ANYWAY! My teacher (did I mention that he's Scottish?-ooh, I just killed a fly...no, that has nothing to do with my chem teacher) explains things super well, the problem is I don't need them explained. Cuz multiplying and dividing is just SO hard guys. Honestly. But not really honestly cuz it's really quite easy which he can't seem to get through his thick Scottish skull. But I guess most of the other people need it to be explained, so I have to sit through the agony of it all and recall every single conversation I've ever had in the meantime. But that's ok, I remember things you would never imagine I could remember that way. Muahahahahaha! Blackmail....but I'd never blackmail you...unless you did something REALLY inexcusable, then I might, but I probably wouldn't cuz I'm not quite that evil.

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