I want summer back, people are so much more talkative duing the summer. Have you ever felt completely alone? Even if you're talking to someone awesome? Even if you're WITH someone awesome? That's how I feel. Loneliness is worse than depression in my opinion. But, I've never been what most would call REALLY depressed, so I guess my opinion isn't worth much. Well, it isn't really in ANY matter, so there we go. It also feels like a rainy day...all grey, melancholic; reminiscing all the good times (that's not just me, right?). All I need is the rain (you guys, it rained for me last night...I could hear it through my open window...it was SO lovely, I want some more), but if it rained I would be ecstatic cuz I LOVE rain so much! So, rain should come. :D

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