Guess what???????!! Today, for the first time in who knows how LONG I am happy happy happy! And I didn't CHOOSE to be happy, it does work it's just I don't usually have the energy for it. So yeah, I walked home and that was exciting, I said hi to a gajillion people that I passed. And now I'm eating ice cream...I LOVE ice cream!!!!! MMMmmmmmm...and I'm gonna do all my homework before everyone gets home from school cuz I'm a nerd. But I'm a happy nerd!!! YAY!!!!!!! Spectacular, the lovely sad song isn't even depressing me. I wonder what's wrong...oh well, it's excellent! Oh, and I can't decide what colour to dye my hair, so I (being a complete insane wierdo) created a lovely little poll for you all to vote on (please be realistic-why I didn't add orange to the list). So please vote, maybe it'll be my LAST request of all time! :D Whoa, I posted at the EXACT same time today as I did yesterday! Coincidence? I think not...

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